Compulsory insurance policy covers the damage caused by your vehicle to others (people and property). This document does not cover damage to your vehicle or damage to your vehicle. For example, when an accident occurs, you are the cause...
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In these documents there are two parts. The first part relates to the damage to the driver and the other passengers and the damage related to the vehicle itself (covering the vehicle against fire and theft in addition to...
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740/5000 fi mithl hadhih alwathayiq yujad jizyayni, aljuz’ al’awal yataealaq bial’adrar almutaealiqat biqayid almurakabat walrukkab alakharin wal’adrar almutaealiqat bialmurkabat dhatiha (yghuti almurakabat dida alhariq walsuriqat ’idafat lilhawadith aleardia) , fi hyn yataealaq aljuz’ alththani bitaghtiat maswuwliat almumin lah tujah...
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– Coverage limits: The amount of coverage contained in the document or the market value of the vehicle at the time of the accident, whichever is less, represents the maximum liability of the insurance company for compensation. Be sure...
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Properties that can be secured can be divided into three categories: A. Buildings: The structure of the building and everything attached thereto shall be covered by the insurance policy. B – Machinery and other contents: Everything except inventory that...
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Medical insurance (health): is the insurance of medical costs, medicines and all medical and therapeutic services and supplies and management of medical programs.
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All documents proving and supporting the age, nationality and identity of the insured person, the validity of the insurance coverage and the circumstances of the event resulting from such claim and reimbursement. Other documents such as invoices, receipts, prescriptions,...
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1 – Cosmetic operations only if the surgery is necessary because of the deformation caused by an accident and surgery performed because of this deformity. 2 – chronic diseases experienced by the person before the validity of the insurance...
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The role of a feature is to provide accurate, accurate and up-to-date credit information to credit donors, which in turn have a set of special procedures for assessing and studying credit requests and then making appropriate decisions in grants....
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Is a licensed information company that collects, analyzes and provides accurate and up-to-date credit information on the individual and business sectors in Saudi Arabia,
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There is no separation between the financial liability of the individual institution and its owner.
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Our office provides the establishment of companies according to the Saudi law and we can complete the application
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